Global Holiday Dates
Global Holiday Dates enables you to create a holiday date and add the date to multiple panels at once in Dealer Admin. Any time a holiday date is changed, the change will automatically be sent down to the associated panels. To create a Global Holiday Date, refer to the steps below.
Create a Global Holiday Date
In the menu, click Tools. Then, click Global Holiday Dates.
In the Create Global Holidays tab, click the Add icon next to Global Holiday Dates.
In the pop-up, fill in the following information:
Name: Enter a descriptive name for the holiday. This is a required field.
Date: Enter the date of the holiday. This is a required field.
Class: Select a class from the drop-down menu. The class enables you to group holidays together for easier schedule management.
Description: Add any additional information for the holiday.
Click Save.
Send a Holiday Date to a System
Send a Holiday Date to Multiple Systems
In the Send Global Holiday Dates tab, click the Add icon next to Send Global Holiday Dates.
Under Holiday Dates, click the checkbox next to the holiday date you want to send to your customer.
Next to Systems, click Add Systems.
Click the checkbox next to the customer to send the holiday date to all panels under the customer. Click the checkbox next to the system to send the holiday date to that specific system.
Click Save.
In the top right corner, click Send.
You will be redirected to the Send Global Holiday Dates page. This will display a table with the global holiday dates that have been created.
To view an audit of the global holiday date, find the holiday date on the table and click View. This will give you an audit of who created the date, the systems the date was sent to, etc.
Send a Holiday Date to a Single System
Go to Customers.
Select a system from the customer.
In the menu on the left side of the page, click Schedules. A list of the holiday dates assigned to the system will display beneath Holiday Dates.
To add a holiday date to the system, click the Add icon next to Holiday Dates.
In the pop-up, select a Holiday and a Class from the drop-down menus.
Click Save.
Edit a Global Holiday Date
Navigate to the Global Holiday Dates page.
Click the Edit icon next to the date you want to change.
Select a different date from the calendar.
Click Save. This will automatically be sent down to any panel associated with the holiday date and update the calendar date.
Remove a Global Holiday Date
Navigate to the Global Holiday Dates page.
Click the Trash icon next to the date you want to remove. This will automatically be sent down to any panel associated with the holiday date and remove the date from the panel.