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Mass Programming

Mass programming enables you to program multiple systems at once with the same settings.

Prefer a Video?

In this clip, we’ll show you how to use mass programming.

To program multiple systems, complete the following steps.

  1. In the sidebar on the left, go to Tools > Mass Programming.

  2. Select the Add icon.

  3. In System Type, select the appropriate system family.

  4. In Reason for Change, enter a brief description of the changes.

  5. Expand a category to see programming options. Select the checkbox next to the items that you want to change and configure the settings as needed.

  6. Select Add Systems and select the systems that you want to program.

  7. When you’ve finished adding the systems, select Send.

  8. A dialog pops up to confirm the changes. To send the changes to all of the selected systems, select OK.

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