Mobile Credentials
This section covers how an Administrator purchases credentials for a customer in Dealer Admin. For Bluetooth Credentials, these steps should be completed after the SR3 Bluetooth Reader is installed and associated with a customer’s system in Tech APP. For Mobile Wallet Credentials, these steps should be completed after the compatible NFC multi-technology reader is installed.
To purchase and issue credentials in Dealer Admin, you must either have an Administrator role or a custom role with Mobile Credential permissions. For more information, refer to Personnel Roles.
Prefer a Video?
In this clip, we’ll show you how to purchase Mobile Bluetooth Credentials.
Mobile Bluetooth Credentials
To purchase Mobile Bluetooth Credentials, complete the following steps:
In the menu, go to Tools > Mobile Bluetooth Credentials.
Go to the Purchase Bluetooth Credentials section.
In Customer, select a customer for the credentials.
In Quantity, select the number of credentials you want to assign.
If needed, enter notes. You can use the Notes/PO field to help you track items like why the credentials were issued and who requested them.
To purchase the credentials for your customer, select Purchase Bluetooth Credentials.
Notify your customer that you completed their purchase.

Mobile Wallet Credentials
To enable a pool of reusable Mobile Wallet Credentials, complete the following steps:
Go to Customers.
Select the customer name.
At the top of Customer Summary, select Edit.
Scroll to the bottom of the page. Go to Mobile Wallet Credentials and select the checkbox to enable mobile wallet credentials.
Note: Mobile Wallet Credentials can only be enabled if Store User Codes is turned on. If Store User Codes is not enabled, a dialog box displays to enable the feature. Select Proceed to automatically enable Store User Codes for all systems.
In the Number of credentials drop-down menu, choose the number of reusable credentials you want to enable. You can select credentials in increments of 5, ranging from 5 to 1,000 credentials.
In the Select which system to bill drop-down menu, select the system you wish to invoice the credentials to for a recurring monthly charge.
At the top of the page, select Save.
Notify your customer that you completed their purchase.

If you wish to delete a system that is set as the current billable system, you will be prompted to choose a new system to invoice the credentials to for a monthly charge. To choose a new billable system, complete the following steps:
Go to Customers.
Select the customer name.
In the row of the system that you want to delete, select the More icon.
Select Delete.
If the system is set as the current billable system, a dialog box displays to choose an alternative system for the mobile wallet credentials to be billed to.
In Mobile Wallet Credential, select the new system to invoice the monthly charge in the drop-down menu.
Select Save to delete the current system and set the new system to bill mobile wallet credentials to.

Public Card Formats
DMP Bluetooth 56-Bit | 56 | 1 | 16 | 17 | 34 | 10 |
DMP Wavelynx 40-Bit | 40 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 40 | 10 |