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System Tests

Learn how to remotely test a system.

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In this clip, we’ll show you how to perform system tests.

Available Tests

Dealer Admin enables you to perform the following system tests:

  • Communications Test—Perform a communication test according to connection type.

  • Standard Walk Test—Perform a standard walk test of a system’s programmed zones.

  • Wireless Test—Perform a test to determine whether programmed wireless devices are checking in with the panel.

  • Z-Wave Test—Perform a diagnostics test to determine whether Z-Wave devices are communicating with the panel. Tests up to 10 devices at a time.

  • Z-Wave Optimization—Optimize a system’s Z-Wave mesh network.

  • PIR Test—Perform a PIR walk test.

Test a System

To conduct a system test, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Customers.

  2. Select the system name.

  3. In the sidebar on the left, go to System Test.

  4. If you want to test connection to the panel, select Test Connection.

  5. Select the test that you want to conduct.

  6. Select Start Test.

When testing system communication, Dealer Admin displays the same pass or fail messages at each stage as a keypad would. For more information about what these messages mean, refer to Communication Test Reference.

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