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XV Gateway Installation and Setup (XV-24, XV-60, XV-96)

XV Gateway Overview

The XV Gateway with AlarmVision™ seamlessly integrates cameras, analytics, and the XR Series control panel to create smart motion detectors that trigger panel responses in real time based on real events for real results.

Virtual Keypad users can view live and recorded HD video clips, define video actions, and receive push notifications of real events in real time for real results.

You will need an active Dealer Admin account at to activate the XV Gateway.

Install the XV Gateway

The primary network connection on the XV Gateway and the XR Series panel should be connected to the same network switch. You may also use any network switch that is connected to the same subnet that the panel is connected to.

Using a Network Switch

  1. Connect a network cable from the XR Series panel to a network switch.

  2. Connect a network cable from the XV Gateway’s primary network connector, located on the back of the device, to the same network switch that the XR Series panel is connected to. This ensures that both the panel and the XV Gateway are communicating over the same network.

Using the Same Subnet

  1. Connect a network cable from the XR Series panel to a network switch.

  2. If the XV Gateway cannot be connected to the same network switch that the panel is connected to, you may use any network switch that is connected to the same subnet as the panel is connected to.

Using Dual NIC

If using a secondary NIC at initial installation, connect the secondary network connection on the XV-60 or XV-96 prior to adding the XV Gateway on Dealer Admin. Ensure the primary network connection is also connected to the XV Gateway. Refer to the Configure Secondary NIC for Private Camera Network section for more information.

  • Note: The panel can only be connected to the primary network connection through the network switch or subnet.

Enable XV Series with AlarmVision™

Note: In order to connect an XV Gateway, XR Series panels need to have Version 221 Firmware or higher.

  1. Log into Dealer Admin.

  2. Find the customer and select the relevant system. Click Edit.

1 edit system.png
  1. In Video, click the XV Series with AlarmVision™ checkbox, then click Save.

2 enable xv gateways.png

Activate the XV Gateway

  1. In the XV Gateway with AlarmVision™ section, click + XV Gateway to add an XV Gateway.

3 add xv gateway.png
  1. Add a Device Name and the MAC Address you want the XV Gateway connected to. Click Add.

4 add office gateway device.png

Dealer Admin will automatically check to see if the XV Gateway is a model XV-24, XV-60, or XV-96.

If the XV Gateway is a model XV-24, continue to the Add Cameras to the XV Gateway section below.

If the XV Gateway is a model XV-60 or XV-96 and the second NIC port has been connected, the following prompts will display to configure a secondary NIC.

Configure Secondary NIC for Private Camera Network

There are two connection options to choose from when adding a secondary network interface to a private camera network.

The first connection option is using a DHCP Server. This option will automatically assign a dynamic IP address to the XV Gateway so it can change over time. If you can plug in a camera or device into your private network and immediately access other devices on the network, then you likely have a DHCP server.

The second connection option is using a Static IP Address. This refers to an IP address that is manually assigned to the XV Gateway and does not change automatically. If your private camera network consists of only cameras and you set up each camera with its own static IP address, then you likely do not have a DHCP server.

Before configuring a secondary network interface in Dealer Admin, connect a network cable to the second network switch. Allow 5 minutes for the XV Gateway to scan your camera network before proceeding.

  • Note: The panel can only be connected to the primary network connection through the network switch or subnet.


  1. DHCP is automatically selected in Dealer Admin. Click Save.

    • Note: Select DHCP to allow your private camera network’s DHCP server to assign the address for your XV Gateway’s secondary NIC.

5 enable second nic - dhcp.png

Static IP

  1. Select Static IP Address from the drop-down menu.

    • Note: If your private network has a DHCP Server, ensure the Static IP Address is reserved.

6 enable second nic - static ip.png
  1. Enter the Static IP Address and Subnet Mask information. Then, click Save.

    • Note: Ensure that the Static IP Address and Subnet Mask are the same network segment used for the cameras on your private camera network.

7 enable second nic - static ip information.png

Configure a Secondary NIC After XV Gateway Has Been Activated

  1. After setting up the XV Gateway, connect a network cable to the secondary network port on the back of the XV Gateway. Allow up to 5 minutes for the XV Gateway to scan your camera network. Then, refresh the Dealer Admin browser before proceeding.

  2. Select the XV Gateway from the XV Series with AlarmVision™ section.

8 select gateway.png
  1. In Secondary Network, use the drop-down menu to select the network connection type.

Page_ Hub Info.png
  1. Click Save to apply any changes to the XV Gateway.

Page_ Hub Info (1).png

Add Cameras to the XV Gateway

Note: If the XV Gateway was on a different system before, ensure the XV Gateway has been deleted from the previous system on Dealer Admin before adding to the new system. Refer to the Delete an XV Gateway section below for more information.

There are two types of cameras that can be added to the XV Gateway.

The first type is Auto-Discovered Cameras. The cameras will be automatically discovered if they exist on the same subnet as the XV Gateway.

The second type is Manually Added Cameras. These cameras will be outside of the XV Gateway subnet and can be manually added with the camera’s IP Address or RTSP stream.

Refer to the sections below for details on how to add both types of cameras to an XV Gateway.

Auto-Discovered Cameras

  1. In the XV-60 with AlarmVision™ section, click + Camera to XV Gateway to add a camera to an XV Gateway.

9 add camera to gateway.png
  1. Cameras that already exist on the same subnet as the XV Gateway will automatically display in the camera list. Click Enable to add the camera to the XV Gateway.

10 enable cameras.png
  1. The camera view will display a preview of the field of view. Click Close.

11 close enabled cameras.png

Manually Added Cameras

  1. Cameras that are not connected to the same subnet as the XV Gateway will need to be manually added. To manually add a camera, click + Add Manually.

12 manually add camera.png
  1. Select ONVIF or RSTP Stream from the drop-down menu and enter the corresponding information. Then, click Add.

13 manually add camera information.png
  1. Once you have added the camera to the XV Gateway, click Close.

14 close manually added camera.png

For optimal performance, DMP recommends the added cameras total resolution does not exceed the XV Gateway model limit (ex. XV-24 should not exceed 24 MP). All cameras should have a frame rate of 15 FPS or less and a codec:H.264. Performance may vary based on number of cameras, framerate, codec, and motion detection.

Edit the Camera

  1. Select the camera from the XV Gateway with AlarmVision™ section.

15 select camera.png
  1. Enter a name for the camera.

  1. Click the Camera Details button in the top right corner to view the following camera information:

    • Camera Status

    • Camera Name

    • MAC Address

    • IP Address

    • Resolution

    • Username

    • Password

  1. In Options, enable the following:

    • Enable camera feed for Monitoring Center Video Verification (if enabled for System)

  1. Click Save in the top right corner to apply any edits to the camera.

    • Note: Clicking Save will exit the Edit Camera page. Refer to the Configure Detection Regions and Alarm Zones section below to configure the camera before exiting the page.

Configure Detection Regions and Camera Alarm Zones

Create a Region

  1. On the Edit Camera page, scroll down to Regions & Analytics and click + Region. A box will appear in the middle of the camera view screen. Click and drag the box on the camera’s field of view to define the desired detection region. Then, give the region a Name.

    • Note: Each camera can have up to four detection regions.

  1. Select whether you want the region to detect People, Animals, Vehicles, or any combination of the three.

  1. The white circles on the corners can be used to manipulate the region by clicking and dragging them. You may also select anywhere on a line and a white circle will appear that allows the manipulation of the detection region.

  1. Click Display Regions if you want the configured detection regions to show up on event previews in Virtual Keypad.

Add a Zone

  1. To tie a detection region to a panel zone, click + Add Alarm Zone. This will expand into customizable zone options.

    • Note: If any camera detection region is tied to a panel zone, then all detections for that camera will only record when the zone is active.

  1. Give the zone a Name.

  1. The zone number will automatically be populated with the next available zone number in the XR Series panel. You may assign a different zone number, if desired. Usable zones are LX500-999.

    • Note: Zones cannot be assigned to an AX-Bus.

  1. Assign the zone to an Area by selecting the drop-down menu.

  1. To add additional detection regions, repeat steps 1-4. Up to four detection regions can be placed on a camera.

    • Note: All zones are programmed as a Night Zone by default. To edit zone programming, refer to the Edit a Zone section below.

  2. Click Save to apply changes and exit the Edit Camera page. This saves the detection regions and any zones tied to them as well as any camera adjustments made previously.

To configure end user settings, refer to Virtual Keypad Setup for more information.

Additional Information

Edit a Zone

To edit a zone, navigate to Programming for the selected system.

  1. Navigate to Zone Information and locate the zone that needs to be edited.

  2. Select the drop-down menu next to Zone Type. This displays the zone types that can be assigned.

  1. Select the drop-down menu next to Zone Actions. This displays the outputs that can be assigned.

  1. When done editing, click Send All Changes in the top right corner of the screen to save the changes and send them to the panel.

Delete a Detection Region and Zone

To delete a detection region and a zone tied to it, navigate to System Information for the selected system.

  1. Select the camera that is tied to the detection region.

System Information_Camera Added (1).png
  1. Click the Trash Can icon next to the name of the detection region.

  1. Click Save. This deletes the detection region and any zone tied to it.

    • Note: Zones should NOT be deleted from Zone Information. If you attempt to delete a zone this way, a message appears explaining that the panel’s detection region will not properly communicate with the panel.

Disable a Camera

To disable a camera, navigate to System Information for the selected system.

  1. Select the camera you want to disable.

  2. Click Disable in the top right corner to remove the camera from the XV Gateway.

    • Note: Disabling the camera will delete all detection regions and zones tied to the camera.

  1. Click Save. The camera will be removed from the XV Gateway with AlarmVision™ section.

XV Gateway Settings

Before proceeding, you will need to navigate to XV Gateway Settings. On the System Information page, select the gateway you would like to edit.

System Information_Camera Added.png

Edit XV Gateway Name

To edit the XV Gateway name, type in the box next to Name.

22 rename gateway.png

Edit XV Gateway Time Zone

To edit the XV Gateway time zone, use the drop-down to select the proper time zone.

23 time zone gateway.png

Test XV Gateway Connection

To test the connection of the XV Gateway to the panel, click Test Connection.

20 test connection gateway.png

A checklist will pop up with everything that was tested to ensure proper communication between the XV Gateway and the panel. If an issue with the XV Gateway and panel connection is discovered, Dealer Admin will attempt to fix the issue. If the issue is unable to be resolved, an error message will display with troubleshooting suggestions.

21 test connection gateway information.png

Disable XV Gateway

To disable the XV Gateway, click Disable.

18 disable gateway.png

Restart XV Gateway

To restart the XV Gateway, click Restart.

17 restart gateway.png

Delete XV Gateway

To delete the XV Gateway from the system, click Delete.

19 delete gateway.png

Add Camera Window Additional Settings

Before proceeding, you will need to navigate to the Add Cameras window. On the System Information page, click + Camera to XV Gateway.

System Information_Camera Added (2).png

In the Add Cameras window, click the ellipsis menu in the top right corner of each camera row to display the Hide Camera, Remove Camera, and Enter Password options. Refer to the sections below for more information.

Hide Camera

This option will disable a camera and move it to the Hidden Cameras list at the bottom of the window. To unhide a camera, select Unhide Camera or Enable. Enabling a hidden camera will remove it from the Hidden Cameras list and add it to the XV Gateway to begin streaming.

Remove Camera

If you have made changes to your camera network, this option will disable and remove the original auto-discovered camera from Dealer Admin. Any cameras on the same subnet as the XV Gateway will be automatically discovered and added to the camera list.

  • Note: Removing a camera will delete all detection regions, zones, and video actions tied to the camera.

Enter Password

If a user has changed the camera password, the XV Gateway will need the updated password to access the video stream. This option will send the camera password to the XV Gateway and restore video streaming.

  • Note: This does not change the camera’s password; it only re-sends the camera’s password to the XV Gateway to restore the video stream when the camera’s password has been changed.

Delete Camera

This option will delete manually added RSTP or ONVIF cameras from the window. To re-add the camera, click + Add Manually at the top of the window.

Ordering Information

XV Gateway Models

XV-24: 24 MP Video Analytics-Enabled Motion Detector

XV-60: 60 MP Video Analytics-Enabled Motion Detector

XV-96: 96 MP Video Analytics-Enabled Motion Detector


NDAA Compliant


Supports ONVIF and RTSP cameras

One TB internal storage

Up to 24, 60, or 96 MP Processing

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