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Log In as a Customer

Note: Log in as a customer is only available for Administrative users.

Enable Log In As Customer

To enable the Log In As Customer feature, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings and select Dealer.

  2. Go to the Account tab.

  3. In Security Features, select the Log In As Customer checkbox.

Dealer Login as a Customer

To log in to Virtual Keypad as a customer, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Customers.

  2. Select the customer’s name.

  3. In Systems, find the system’s row and select Log In as Customer.

  4. A dialog box displays to confirm the request. To log in as a customer, select Login Virtual Keypad.

To learn how to use Virtual Keypad, refer to Virtual Keypad Help.

Technical Support Login as a Customer

When enabled, Admin and Technician users can grant DMP Technical Support the ability to utilize Login as Customer for 30 minutes to aid in troubleshooting. DMP Technical Support cannot view customer videos at any time and all actions are audited.

Note: If access has not been granted, an error alert pops us.

To enable the Technical Support Login as Customer feature, complete the following steps.

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. Select Dealer, then go to the Account tab.

  3. In Security Features, select the checkbox next to Allow Tech Support Login as Customer.

To grant a DMP Support Technician access to a system as a customer, complete the following steps.

  1. Go to Customers.

  2. Select the customer’s name.

  3. In Systems, find the system you want to log into.

  4. Click the More icon and select Get Support.

  5. A pop-up window displays to confirm your decision. Select Authorize Access.

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