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Security Command

Enable Security Command

The Security Command feature allows you to give specific customers access to options in Dealer Admin like panel programming, system tests, analytics, and other tools. Enabling Security Command helps customers manage their system data through a separate software platform.

To turn on Security Command, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings and select Dealer.

  2. Go to the Admin Settings tab.

  3. In Tool Configuration, select the Security Command checkbox to enable Security Command for the customer.

  4. Notify the customer you that you created their Security Command account.

Customize Terms for a Security Command Account

Once Security Command is enabled, you can customize terminology in Security Command for the customer. Each field allows up to 30 characters. To change terms in Security Command, complete the follow steps:

  1. Once Security Command is enabled, an Options tab displays.

  2. In Options, customize terms that display in Security Command for the following fields:

    • Account

    • Customers

    • Systems

    • App Users

    • Personnel

    • Custom Roles

  3. Select Save.

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